
Sports & Entertainment industry projects including Film & Music related works
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Motion Graphics: SEABASSHELL Brand ID Bump

Personal brand ID bump, following the stylistic and creative influence of a Late 90s, early 2000s MTV, Cartoon Network Adult Swim ID Bump.

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Infographics: Timelines

Interactive Timelines, for a number of different clients, in different industries and for different purposes.

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Illustration – Photo Composites: Pasión Y Arte website and print collateralI materials

Photo illustrations for the website, advertising & collateral print materials for the Flamenco Dance Troupe, Pasíon Y Arte

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Branding: Pragda Film Distributor

Corporate branding, for this Spanish Film organization.

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Branding: ShortMetraje Film Festival

Branding, corporate identity, art direction and promotional material design

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Illustration – Photo Composites: Regarding Susan Sontag

Photo illustrations for the website of the documentary: Regarding Susan Sontag.