UX/UI: SkinInfo App
UX Design, Art Direction, UI
I joined the service design team of a major universities hospital in Philadelphia, as a consultant to lead the UX and UI process of creating a patient mobile app for their Dermatological Oncology Department.
The app’s purpose was to help patients keep track of their potential> current> treated problem areas, with data, photos and diagnostics information collected in one place.
This information could then be used by the patients or their care givers to convey information across different service providers in different geographical areas, as a significant number of these patients were snow birds, who migrated to southern/western climes for the winter, coming back to the Philadelphia area to summer.
Here are some screens for the apps prototype, which was eventually produced using React Native.
The creation processed involved working with 2 design researchers, who collected quantitative & statistical data as well as performed a number of qualitative interviews with the patients, nurses and other members of the care teams at the hospital.
With that material I collaborated with the lead service designer to create prototypes in SketchApp and Marvel, that could be used for iterative testing with the patients, doctors and service providers.
The process included the creation of a number of wireframes, user flows, subway maps and other UX assets, as well as workshops with the lead Doctors who were the prime drivers of this project.
Workshops included educating the doctors on the design process, getting qualitative material based on their experiences as well as understanding their diagnostics process so as to not add unnecessary overhead to their already over burdened schedules.