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Campaign: AmEx & Delta, “SHARE”

Delta Airline and AmEx, wanted to create a national multipoint campaign to bring attention to new routes linking new cities nationaly and throughout the world.

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Campaign: Pepsi Fantasy Soccer Game

Online fantasy football (soccer) game for the brand Pepsi MAX.

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Pharma Web Marketing: Drive4COPD awareness campaign site

Art direction for an online awareness campaign for COPD. (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

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Branding: Pragda Film Distributor

Corporate branding, for this Spanish Film organization.

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Branding: ShortMetraje Film Festival

Branding, corporate identity, art direction and promotional material design

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UI/Web Marketing: LG.COM website art direction

Art Direction & Graphic Design, for US website’s product pages, for Publicis NYC.

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Illustration – Photo Composites: spats

I developed these illustrations to be at the head of different columnists sections for Each used imagery relevant to the topic of the sections to indicate what was being discussed in the column.

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Illustration – Photo Composites: Regarding Susan Sontag

Photo illustrations for the website of the documentary: Regarding Susan Sontag.

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